Artificial Intelligence  in the Online Jewelry Industry

AI -Artificial Intelligence  in the Online Jewelry Industry

Artificial Intelligence  in the Online Jewelry Industry

Not too long ago, the ability of computers to simulate human intelligence seemed far-fetched. Nowadays, AI or artificial intelligence is not only an extremely advanced system of technologies that can make intelligent decisions, but it is also an integral part of many online business operations.


The jewelry eCommerce market is no different. AI has been improving many aspects of jewelry business operations and even removing obstacles in customers’ mistrust when buying gemstones online. Here are some practical ways AI is applied in the jewelry industry.


1. Automation


AI can help automate processes that take too many human hours. Online businesses require many activities that are either time-consuming, laborious, or repetitive, ranging from payments, returns, and claims to sales, marketing, and even shipping. Instead of overstaffing to deal with those processes, AI is used to automate them, saving money, preventing mishaps caused by human error, and sparing workers from tedious, boring jobs.


One of the crucial features of any online jewelry business is writing product metadata: titles,  descriptions, attributes, and more. In the absence of physical presence, customers need to use the information to understand and visualize the products sold. With the right software, this task can be automated -. Valigara Online Jewelry Manager uses AI to upload and update all product listings across all online sales channels, in no time and with the least effort.

hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars monthly. And most importantly, converts data management from wishful thinking into a realistic task.


2. Gemstone analysis and identification


Another astounding capability of AI lies in analyzing patterns in gemstones and correctly identifying/authenticating them, their sizes, cuts, and even impurities. Online jewelry sellers can reassure customers of their products’ quality without having to pay for an expert opinion.

The first AI-driven diamond grading standards were introduced in 2016, and just recently, the first AI grading lab was opened to guarantee the quality of diamonds traded online. AI is devoid of human biases and will become even more intelligent as more data is accumulated. This, in combination with the Build-Your-Own sales flow. , empowers the online sales process.


3. Product search and discovery


The success of any online jewelry business depends on the architecture and functionality of its online store. Nothing is more frustrating than searching for a specific product only to be presented with irrelevant, redundant, and inaccurate results. Customers get overwhelmed and delay shopping decisions.

AI-driven digital shopping tools make product search and discovery much more efficient and straightforward. Algorithms get better at understanding customer language, even if misspelled, showing them only relevant products and making it much more pleasant to shop for jewelry online.


4. Real-time digital shopping assistant


According to projections, eCommerce sales are expected to experience a 1% annual growth rate, and by 2024 they will cover nearly 22% of the total global retail sales. With the expanding competition, online jewelry stores need to investigate practical ways to stand out from their competition.

“Employing” a real-time 24/7 virtual assistant can dramatically improve the shopping experience for customers. Virtual assistants answer basic and common questions, and provide product recommendations and specifics. They can confirm order details, offer discounts and deals, and even remind customers about abandoned carts. Not only do they make customers feel valued, but they also collect data to be used by the online store.


5. Customer satisfaction tracker


Product satisfaction surveys are not always effective. Shoppers are unlikely to spend time on them unless they have a distinct experience with the product, both positive and negative. Quantitative surveys, like Net Promoter Score and Customer Satisfaction, cannot pick up on basic emotions and miss out on vital feedback. Customers usually reveal their feelings in the comment box at the end of a survey.


With the help of AI, companies can now analyze customer sentiments. An AI-enabled customer satisfaction program, integrated with a jewelry CRM,  extracts and maps keywords in customer responses and associates the words with praises or complaints — online retailers can translate these insights into short-term and long-term actions to retain customers.


6. Augmented reality


Augmented reality is sweeping through the world of jewelry eCommerce. A customer opening an online jewelry store can have the same sensory experience as walking into a brick-and-mortar store. AR applications allow the customer to explore jewelry pieces by projecting them as real-looking impressions in 3D. Sellers do not have to rely on simple photos of products but can find a more detailed and satisfactory visualization of specific online jewelry products.


Moreover, AR enables customers to try on the jewelry pieces and see how they suit them in real life. The technology maps the position on their face, hands, or neck, and virtually places the jewelry there, making it seem as if they are looking in the mirror.


Artificial intelligence has become a vital player in the success story of every online jewelry business. It dramatically improves the shopping experience, increases customer retention, helps with time-consuming and laborious tasks, and even coaches on how to sell jewelry online. In the age of digital transformation, AI cannot be ignored. We are just in the beginning, and it’s exciting to see how only the human imagination is the limit of how AI can impact the future of online shopping and of jewelry software.


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