Jewelry eCommerce Articles

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Latest Jewelry eCommerce Articles

Hong Kong International jewelry tradeshow 2024 Insights

Insights from the Hong Kong Jewelry Tradeshow 2024

During our recent visit to the Hong Kong Jewelry Tradeshow 2024, we engaged in insightful conversations with numerous sellers, manufacturers, and industry professionals. The experience provided a comprehensive view into the current dynamics shaping the jewelry industry and the emerging

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impact of Product Information Management (PIM) systems on the jewelry business

PIM system effect on jewelry business

“Why should I use Valigara?  I can hire 5 people equipped with Excel files!”    A good phrase to start the conversation. Even that it completely misses the point of implementing any technology.    Because the answer extends beyond mere

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What to Know When Selling Jewelry Internationally

What to Know When Selling Jewelry Internationally

Selling jewelry internationally can be a great opportunity for both retailers and wholesalers. Jewelry is in high demand globally; this has been the case for decades, in fact. While the pandemic did hit many jewelry stores, most survived or recovered primarily from pivoting to eCommerce.

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Using Technology to Revive or Boost Your Jewelry Store’s Success

Using Technology to Revive or Boost Your Jewelry Store’s Success

Stagnating in a jewelry business happens to some of the most successful brands. This could be due to any number of factors. While some of these would be out of your control (e.g. the pandemic, changing customer preferences, etc.), there is still much you can influence to bring your store back on its feet and help it thrive eventually. Let’s take each aspect of an online jewelry business and see what type of digital tools you can use to give it a boost.

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Post-COVID Opportunities for Jewelry Businesses

Post-COVID Opportunities for Jewelry Businesses

The jewelry industry has undergone a dramatic shift in operational processes after the pandemic. Changing consumer preferences and needs have forced many jewelry stores to adopt new strategies in order to remain competitive. Let’s explore three of the most popular ones.

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Valigara_Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Your Online Jewelry Store

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Your Online Jewelry Store

The jewelry industry has been a competitive one for decades, but now more than ever, with the introduction of eCommerce, the fight to get noticed has intensified. In order to stand out among the competition, one has to not only differentiate themselves within their product line, quality, or niche, but also find strategic ways to attract new clients to their online store.
The most common method of increasing traffic to your online jewelry store is SEO or search engine optimization. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing utilize algorithms to rank websites on their search results pages (aka SERPs). Such algorithms look for specific criteria when ranking and listing a website on there. In order to get noticed by a search engine, one should cater to these factors in order to improve their chances of ranking higher over their competitors.

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Increase Your Jewelry Business ROI

Increase Your Jewelry Business ROI

The jewelry industry is among the most profitable ones, both offline and online. Yet, the playing field has been changing rapidly in the past few years. Jewelry sellers are forced to look for better, more strategic ways to increase their ROI, which is getting increasingly harder. With new players in the game, new technologies, and even more shifting trends, it takes a lot of time and investment to make a profit nowadays. Nevertheless, we have some tips that can help you minimize your losses and increase your ROI. These include scaling your jewelry business using the latest trends, developing an analytics strategy, and automating your operations through the use of digital tools.

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Optimizing Your Online Jewelry Product Listing

Optimizing Your Online Jewelry Product Listing

Jewelry is still a popular category for most online shoppers. Even though the industry has seen a 1.5% decrease in overall market size since 2021, it has still experienced a larger and faster increase than the eCommerce market overall. The jewelry industry is valued at $8.7 billion in 2022. With that being the case, it is still important to have an excellent online presence. That is made up of the online platform and the jewelry listing specifics. Why don’t we go over them in more depth?

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