Wholesale Jewelry Sales Toolkit

The power of large numbers.

Jewelry Wholesale – B2B solutions:

Selling jewelry online does not mean only retail sales. 90% of all jewelry and diamonds’ online distribution volume is B2B.

Valigara’s wholesale solutions simplify working with distributors, resellers,  partners, dropshippers, and on the other side – suppliers and vendors. Avoid annoying email threads, phone explanations, long order processing, and other hassles.

  • Easily manage and search clients lists
  • Create personalized, protected online product catalogs, for every wholesale client
  • Distribute your product catalogs with dynamic data feeds
  • Instantly create an eCommerce website with a dedicated B2B area
  • Connect multiple  accounts to help your distributors manage work 


Manage distributors and penetrate new markets:

Use Valigara’s Feeds and CRM modules, to distribute data to thousands of local shops, online shops, store chains, and other jewelry distributors. No need for long trips, worries, risks, and expenses- your online jewelry catalog will present you respectfully and immediately in most distant destinations.


  • Create online and PDF catalogs of your jewelry and easily distribute them worldwide
  • Engage different types of jewelry distributors by creating multiple independent jewelry catalogs
  • Customize pricing, data product line, access level to catalogs
  • All channels can share the same inventory. Your jewelry has maximum chances of selling! 

Think big and turn your business into a powerful worldwide enterprise!

Let’s talk Jewelry eCommerce.

We’d love to talk, learn about your business and needs, and show you exactly how Valigara can work for you, make your life easier, while growing your online jewelry business.

Fill in your details and our Jewelry eCommerce Specialists will contact you to schedule your demo: